Dinky Toys 025A Wagon Type 2 Pre-War


Supplied from my own collection.

This rare pre-war example in type 2 casting is finished blue over an orange chassiswith dark blue hubs and original white smooth tyres. Complete with tow hook.

Totally original and no touching in. A rare piece.





1 in stock



Product Categories:

Item Condition
Item Condition

Excellent - A few marks, overall some could be heavy. Touch-ins on a very nice model possible. Always stated.
(All items graded out of 5)

Item Condition

Surprisingly good paint coverage with minimal loss. No radiator gilt. The well shaped  tyres are nicely hardened and nice shape. Tow hook complete.

The upper blue section has no noted casting faults. The chassis, does have casting cracks as can be seen in the final picture. The hubs roll but not freely. A little rusting to the axles.

Very presentable and an ideal filler in the early commercial gift set.



None. Sold from a shop keepers trade box or early gift set.


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